Most frequent questions and answers

Fundamentally, yes. Use trusted betting sites to ensure that your funds and personal information will be completely safe. They’re not going to disappear with your money, or sell your banking details. They have advanced security measures in place to prevent hackers from accessing your account too.

Are there ANY safety risks involved? To be honest, yes. There are a few rogue sites that can’t be trusted, and your own computer (or other devices) might not be fully protected from hackers. There are some precautions you can take to minimize this risk. Check out the following article for some advice.

There are several good reasons for betting online. Here’s a list of our favorite ones.

  • It’s a fast, easy and convenient way to place wagers.
  • We can bet on pretty much any sport or event we want.
  • We have a wide variety of different wagers to choose from.
  • The odds and lines tend to be better.
  • We can earn bonuses and rewards just for depositing and placing wagers.

Yes. Assuming you only use reputable and trustworthy sites that is. The top sports betting sites have absolutely no issue with paying out to their winning customers, which is exactly how it should be.

Online betting licenses are issued to sites that meet the criteria of the relevant licensing authority. To operate legally, sites MUST hold a license in the jurisdiction they’re based in. The license basically gives them the right to offer their services to customers and proves that they are subject to regulation.

The criteria for licenses vary from one licensing authority to another. The fundamental principle is always the same though. Licenses are issued only to sites that can demonstrate that they’re able to operate in a fair and ethical way. They can subsequently be suspended or revoked if a site fails to meet its obligations or stick to the regulatory requirements.

Which guest posts are not accepted?

We appreciate your interest in submitting an article for publication on our website. However, before you do so there are a few things that we would like to make clear:

-The title of each piece should be relevant and concise;  it cannot include words already used by another author (that includes titles).

-Irrelevant or uninformative topics will not be considered. Topics must be relevant to our services and industries. (Sports/Gambling)

Guest article writing process?

If you want to share your article or blog with our readers, we will publish it on the website. Make sure that both title and content meet all requirements before submitting them for publishing!

We will review your article or post according to the instructions above. If it is unique, meets our guidelines and has not been published before then we may publish it on our website.


-A dofollow link only included in each sponsored post.

-The link MUST be related to the website.

-The exact link and anchor must be approved in advance by our content manager.

-Your team will choose the topic and write the content – must be 500+ words minimum – topic must be approved in advance and fit the niche of the site. (we have a team of writers who can do this if you prefer, for $30 extra).

– We only accept a maximum of ONE sponsored post per week on a single site. This ensures that we are not overloading any one site.

– Your post will go through our natural progression, just like any other post would (it doesn’t stay on the main page forever).

– Payment via Paypal (mail) or BTC (request wallet) within 48 hours of article placement and approval.

-The post will stay under the name of the page.